Why Condor®?
Let T.C. Development & Design, Inc. and Condor ® Products develop your next solution. Put our unique skills and creative minds to work for you!

Our Team can help you with:
- Innovating Unique Concepts and Solutions
- Engineering to your Specifications
- Creating Testable Prototypes
- Optimizing Manufacturing Processes
- Safe and Secure Packaging Options
- Product Implementation
- Marketing and Sales Strategies

Where Is Condor® Going?

CONDOR @ Daytona Bike Week 2025
On: Feb. 28, 2025

CONDOR @ Sturgis 2025
On: Aug. 01, 2025

Condor @ Daytona Biketoberfest 2025
On: Oct. 16, 2025

Condor® prides themselves on their high-quality products made in the USA, and wants
to extend some great deals directly to you. Check out our deals of the week
Cycle Loader (Part #: CL-1000)
Trailer-Only Motorcycle Chock (Part #: SC-2000)
Garage Dolly Extensions for Extra-long Bikes (Part #: GD-3500-EXTEND)
Pit Stop/Trailer Stop Motorcycle Wheel Chock (Part #: PS-1500)
Motorcycle Garage Dolly (Part #: GD-3500) ** WILL SHIP IN 4-6 WEEKS **
Pit Stop/Trailer Stop with Trailer Adapter Kit (Part #: PSTK-6400)
Scooter Chock (Part #: SCC-4000)

What Are They Saying About Condor®?
“The best motorcycle support stand for garage & trailers! Fantastic quality & durability!”

Scott Schwen
“I have the Condor Pit Stop wheel chock. Quality piece. Very happy with it”

Anthony Roman
“Love the chocks. Its best test, 7.2 earthquake. Bike didn’t move.”

Matt Hardwig
“I purchased two Condor Motorcycle dollies for my Harley and Indian and they are incredible. Get the footrest brackets if your bikes are heavy, I did and they work great. I have doubled my usable space and installed a Condor wheel lock in my trailer (anybody want to buy a slightly used J&S trailer wheel lock? Wouldn’t work with the Indian fender like the Condor one does). Ken and others from Condor have proven to me that they care about customers and their products are great. Easy to assemble and rolling around your bike is great.”

Brian Kilpatrick
“Thanks to Rachel and Gail and gang for helping me maximize my garage dolly for my ultra limited Harley, with the final piece of my puzzle, the garage dolly ramp WITH the loading ramp now; allows me to get on and off the dolly sooo much easier for these shorts legs and big bike….”

Michael Costello
“These guys are terrific! They will listen to what you want to do, then make suggestions without trying to sell you things that you don’t need. Plus, they have a great sense of humor.”

Ronald L. Eddington
“Awesome product I have been using mine mostly in the garage for cleaning and finally had to chance to use it in our enclosed trailer to bring home a road king my girlfriend bought in the snow and it worked great thanks for making a such a great product!”

Justin Snyder
“Great product and even better customer service. And awesome job on the shipping. The last time we ordered something from another vendor in Daytona, it took two months to get it!”

Pete Paseka
“Best money I have ever spent. Quality production and an ingenious idea! Thanks so so much for helping a “mature” biker to move his bike around with ease.”

Riaan Kruger
I purchased your wheel chock for hard mounting in a trailer (I have a Wells Cargo enclosed trailer with space for 2 bikes) last year. I finally installed it this year. It is a quantum leap from the Pingel chocks that came installed in the trailer when I bought it new several years ago. I travel from the Seattle area to Laguna Seca Raceway in Salinas, CA. I have a sport bike and a standard performance oriented bike. The usual route goes through 1-80 and 1-680. Both roads are in poor condition in many places with very dramatic pavement elevation changes, causing the trailer to catch air and bounce hard. The bike stayed put the whole trip down and back this time. (last year with the Pingel chock my bike came loose and the handlebar went through the interior wall of the trailer). The chock is very adjustable, the directions for installation and use are very good, and the bike stays upright after riding it into the chock. I bought it because it is made in USA. One word for this thing: awesome. Thanks, I will buy a second one for my new trailer some time down the road.
Mike Pratum
i want to share how pleased I am with my new Condor Trailer Only Chock. I considered many chocks before buying a Condor. My decision was validated the first time I rolled my Roadking onto my lift and docked it into the condor Trailer chock. No more balancing my 8OO motorcycle with one hand while tightening the wheel clamp. The feeling of security alone is worth the purchase price. The design and workmanship is a great bonus. I’ll never fumi1e with a wheel clamp again. Thanks Condor!
Raymond Petry
I have been riding and trailering motorcycles for over thirty years. I have used everything from the front wheel tied to the front of the trailer, 2X4’s, a 6X6 under the frame and lastly a pingel to hold the front end in a stable position. To help with my piece of mind I have used six tie-downs per bike and even with this I could see the wobble on a curvy or bumpy road. Attending the Red Bull Indianapolis GP last year I saw Condor being demonstrated. While quite impressive I wasn’t ready to drop over $500.00 for two trailer-stop units. Well that has all changed now. Two Condor trailer-\ stop units have been put on my trailer and while two tie-downs per bike would do the job I put a set on a canyon dancer for that piece of mind. Why didn’t I do this many years ago? Not only is loading the bikes now a one man job but the stability of the bikes is unmatched. Did I mention parking the bikes in the garage is so much easier????? Really, just a thank you for a great product and a statement that everything you say the Condor is, well it’s that or more.
Our big thank you for an excellent product. Your Pit—Stop is now bolted to the floor of our toy hauler. Holding our Honda Goldwing 1800, neither the Pit—Stop nor our bike has moved a hair over 1,000+ miles in any road condition. We easily drive up the trailer ramp right into the Pit—Stop, lock in and go. Thank you for keeping us safe and steady with quality materials and workmanship.
Dale & Ellen, Shreveport Louisiana
WOW, You guys just don’t quit. I have been bragging about and showing anybody that comes to my house the Condor Pit Stop purchased from you folks. As I said before the materials and workmanship are beyond comparison. Imagine my surprise when receiving a box from you that I did not know anything about and finding a maximum retention cradle. I worked 40 years in a Mill, maybe that’s why I appreciate the workmanship of all you people. The best thing I did was become a customer of your company. Have any new motorcycle things up your sleeve?
Jim Moyer
On June 7, 2012 we were on our way for a vacation when we had an accident involving our truck, toy hauler and trike. The front wheel of the trike was in our Condor and the back was strapped down with chop blocks under the back wheels. The truck and the trailer turned over on its side, but the bike was still just as it was put in the trailer when it was righted. The truck and trailer were completely destroyed and later we found out the bike frame was broken. We cannot say enough about this product as it certainly does what it is suppose to do and that is to keep your bike where you put it. We have a new trike and have our Condor, which survived the crash, in our cargo trailer ready to use at a moments notice. Just wanted you to know of our experience with your great product.
Ray Wilson
I trailered my custom Dyna Wide Glide out to Sturgis this summer. When I arrived and opened my trailer, I found my bike lying on its side, with a severely dented gas tank, a broken mirror and handgrip, and some other scratched chrome. I couldn’t enter it in the bike show. I bought a Pit Stop at your booth in Rapid City. On the way home, I ran into a deer in Pennsylvania. The impact was hard enough to blow the airbag, and mangle the front end of my Suburban. I thought for sure the bike was a goner. But when I opened the trailer door, the Wide Glide was sitting there just as I’d left it. I’ll never use anything but a CONDOR. Thanks!
Will Collins
I purchased the Condor Trailer Stop device and have to say it’s fantastic. It works exactly as promoted. It’s solid, easy and makes storing or trailering your bike safe and easy. I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to make their riding life easier!
Tim Kirwan
I received the wheelchock today. That’s fantastic service. Thank you so much for getting it out quickly. In addition, I can’t tell you how happy I am with this product. It works with absolute perfection on my H-D FLHTCUI. I’ll certainly recommend your company and products to my biking friends.
Just wanted to say thank you for your prompt shipment of the Pit Stop, it arrived yesterday as promised and has already been assembled. Once again thank you.
Mark Givens
Thank you so much for your prompt response! I was able to speak to a representative of your company yesterday morning.She advised me that the delivery date was 12/13. When I returned to my home, my delivery was waiting for me. I am equally as impressed with your product today as I was the day I elected to purchase it. Representatives of your company provided me with accurate information and were prompt an addressing my questions regarding my delivery. I can’t wait to put your product to work. Thanks Again.
Tom Heilman
Just a note to say I love the new Condor wheel chock.It takes the labor of parking my Harley on my trailer away! Supports it properly while I get off to secure it. I’m able to remove the assembly and use the trailer without it intruding, very happy I made the purchase at the Americade. Many thanks again.
Peter Adely
I just took my Condor Trailer Stop/Pit Stop out of the box. I had considered the competing brand because of the price alone. As I was putting it together I was amazed at the workmanship,and was so glad I had decided to bite the price and go for quality/performance. Thank you for your superior product!
Doit L. Koppler
I purchased one of your wheel chalks for my bike trailer at the International Bike Show in Chicago.The following weekend my boyfriend and I hauled his almost new Harley Davidson Lowrider to Gadsden, Alabama.We encountered snow in Kentucky and Tennessee, Alabama had black ice and I-65 was a mess we proceeded on a less traveled road to Gadsden. Twenty-one miles out on a bridge we lost control due to black ice struck the guardrail then went down a very steep bank approaching 70 degrees did not roll and landed several yards in a swampy area. It took two hours to remove the truck and trailer. Oddly enough the Condor wheel chock held the bike and no damage come to the bike. My truck encountered several thousand dollars woth of damage. We also were unscathed. We can not thank you enough for designing such a wonderful product. It is so easy for me to load my bike by myself not to mention the stability the chalk offers during hauling. Keep up the great work!!! If I can in any way help promote this product please let me know I will never haul a bike with out a Condor Wheel Chalk.
Diane Oshlo
I have been biking for 30 years,and have enjoyed about every minute of it,the Condor Pit Stop has added to the enjoyment by making me feel my bike is as secure as I can make it, thanks to you. Load it,and go with no worries, thanks again for an awesome product
Nick Thomas
I emailed an order for a garage model Condor on 10 October. After seeing a friend’s I just had to have one. I called on the 12th to see if it had been shipped and I was informed that it took about 10-15 days to process and send out an order. I told the nice lady with whom I was speaking that I was sunk as I needed it by the 17th to go to Daytona. She asked where I was located and then informed me I was 3 days away by UPS and they would ship it out right away. It arrived in 3 shipping days as promised, just in time for Daytona. Thanks for the great product and even greater service.
Joe Howell
I received the Condor Pit Stop a few days ago.I have it mounted in my trailer already. I must commend you on the quality of this piece. This is the second one I have and everyone that sees it comments on the quality of this wheel chock. I bought the first up at Americade last year and love it. It comes out of the trailer in the winter and goes in my garage to hold my Gold Wing during the winter. Thank You.
Bob Ferreira
April 2004 I bought your SP1500 while at the Laughlin River Run to put in my toy hauler. While on vacation in August I had a blow out on the trailer I was impressed with this product because when I opened the door my 99Valkyrie was leaning on about a 45 degree angle let me tell you I was and still am very impressed with your product, the best money I ever spent
Rod Whittier
I want to let you know how satisfied I am with your product. I purchased it at the Honda Hoot 3 years ago and it still serves my 1800VTX. Quality is important and your product is a perfect example.
Tom Heisler
I recently purchased a new Pit Stop/Trailer Stop wheel support to assist in transportation of my 2007 Harley Davidson. Kindly keep me advised of any updates or improvements for this impressive system
Joseph C. Indiero
Thank you so much for the prompt reply – great customer service!! I WILL read and follow the instructions.
Just wanted to say thank you for a fine product.I recently towed my motorcycle on my “trailer in a bag” and after a few miles I made a safety stop just to check if everything was OK. Upon checking the strap I discovered the left front tie down was just hanging there swinging in the breeze. If it weren’t for the stabilization provided by your Condor Simple Chock my Road King would most likely have ended up failing right off the trailer. But the bike was tightly in the grip of the Condor. Thanks for saving me several dollars.
Mark Kather
I think your product for towing motorcycles without destroying them is great.
Michael Austin Bridgeton
I received the new strap yesterday in the mail. Thank you so much for taking care of a very happy customer. Excellent customer service from a great company, that makes a top notch product. I wish this kind of service were the norm rather than the exception with all companies. Thanks you again
Dieter Meyer
No question wanted to say thanks for keeping my rides safe. 3 trailer chocks and over 5k miles not one problem hauling my rides. I made a video for you showing 2 busa’s and a GSXR750 traveling through the Dragons Tail in my enclosed trailer with your chocks. That’s 318 turns in 11 miles, not one problem. Unfortunately the camera wasn’t as dependable as your chocks so it didn’t turn out…
Sonny Brackeen
While traveling in South Texas last January I was involved in a situation that could, or I should say would have been tragic, if not for your CONDOR Wheel Chock. I was pulling a small cargo trailer behind my fifth-wheel camper, when a vehicle pulled up alongside and motioned towards the back of my rig. I stopped and went back and discovered the tongue had snapped and all I was pulling was a 3 foot section of the tongue. Making a long story short the trailer was about 2 milesback down the road. It didn’t hit any other vehicles (we were on a 4 lane Hwy) and came to a rest on top of a guard rail. Inside the cargo trailer was a brand new Custom builtchopper motorcycle. It was still intact in the CONDOR Wheel Chock, I could have kissed that Wheel Chock!!!
Paul Olson
Hello just want to say that the Condor was the easiest assembly and simple install! I love American made products and very Proud to have made the selection to go with your PS-1500 kit with the TK-3000 adapter Kit!! I bought your straps as well and they are the best !!! I stand behind your product and will visit you at the Daytona Bike Week meet!!
Harry Matthews

Scott Schwen

Anthony Roman

Matt Hardwig

Brian Kilpatrick

Michael Costello

Ronald L. Eddington

Justin Snyder

Pete Paseka

Riaan Kruger
Mike Pratum
Raymond Petry
Dale & Ellen, Shreveport Louisiana
Jim Moyer
Ray Wilson
Will Collins
Tim Kirwan
Mark Givens
Tom Heilman
Peter Adely
Doit L. Koppler
Diane Oshlo
Nick Thomas
Joe Howell
Bob Ferreira
Rod Whittier
Tom Heisler
Joseph C. Indiero
Mark Kather
Michael Austin Bridgeton
Dieter Meyer
Sonny Brackeen
Paul Olson
Harry Matthews